Thursday, May 16, 2013

Site Rules!

Welcome to my blog! First of all, we have rules here! I made these rules so no one will end up fighting
or into big trouble! Follow these rules and I'm sure you won't end up in trouble:

1, Rules

  • Don't steal our images! If you want to use them please give us credit.
  • If you want to share our news please give us credit.
  • Don't fight with other bloggers!
  • Don't copy the name or design of the blog. (We want it different from other blogs)

2, Comment Rules
  • Don't fight with other bloggers about there opinions and what-so-ever.
  • Keep them clean and never mean! Don't use bad words or say anything dirty!
  • Make sure your sentences are correct so we can understand your opinions!
Please follow these rules! We might delete your comment if it's mean or dirty or something like that.
We also might send an e-mail to you if you don't follow at lease 3 of the rules.
Follow this and you won't end up in trouble!

Follow the rules or else Bloom will beat you up! Just Kidding!!! :P

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