
Saturday, May 11, 2013

Pictures from Winx Club's 3rd Movie? And info?

I did some research today and got more info (or rumor!). I remembered a video back when season 5 ever aired. And I remember Stella in 3D but NOT in her Sirenix transformation but in her usual clothes! And thanks to BelieveInWinx I found more info (I think..) In her blog it says the 3rd film will be titled "The Next Big Adventure". and Rainbow is already making the movie!

Credits go to her for the image!

I think the image of Aisha in Sirenix might come from the movie because the animation seems different because of the wings they look different from the wings we usually see in the season. And I also found the image of Stella in her usual clothes but on 3D:

We all know that the Winx can only go 3D in the Infinite Ocean, but Stella isn't even in the Infinite Ocean!
And usually, in Winx Movies they appear in 3D. Here's the video:

What do you guys think? Does the video of Stella come from the movie or this is just some bonus clip?
I'll do more research but for now this is what I got. 
Note: Some here might just been rumors and some of it is what I think.

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